
Freitag 28.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
brighter agency & lls prsnt: EILIS FRAWLEY (exp-pop/indie, sinnbus, Rec Release) & SEASOUL (bln) live _ & after 22h DJs Whywolf & Cool Cat Tommy T (mutantdisco)
doors 19:00 - show 20:00 - DJs after 22:00

brighter agency & little league shows prsnt:

EILIS FRAWLEY / spoken words/pop/indie, bln, sinnbus / 

& SEASOUL / dreampop/singer-songwriter/folk, bln / 

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets at the doors or in pre-sale -->

& after the show: tpts prsnts: DJs Whywolf & Cool Cat Tommy T
mutant-disco funk post-punk grooves

The solo project of EILIS FRAWLEY combines direct and unforgiving spoken word amidst kraut-like rhythms. With a focus on social structures, feminism, mental health, and storytelling she speaks truth to creative insecurities, personal tragedies, and the impacts of living abroad. Debuting in 2019 with tours in Germany, the UK, and Australia, her first two EPs "Never Too Emotional" and "Adult Life" were released through Reckless Yes Records (UK) in 2020. Eilis Frawley is a classically trained musician from Adelaide, Australia. Eilis is the drummer and singer for local Berlin bands Kara Delik and Restless and has worked as a freelance drummer with Laura Lee and The Jettes and Anika. Eilis’s debut full-length album "Fall Forward," produced by Kat Frankie, will be released on March 7th 2025 on sinnbus.

Dreampop, singer-songwriter, folk – SEASOUL's music inhabits the spaces between genres and
styles. Always in search of the strange, the authentic, and the delicate, the Berlin-based musician
invites us into her pastel-colored world of radical gentleness. Uncompromising and curious, the
classically trained singer and music producer is on a constant musical journey: sometimes it’s her
solo project, sometimes a collaboration, sometimes politically charged art (performing with KAFVKA
on stage), and at other times she’s behind the keys of her second project, the underground punk band
JOLLE. Versatile yet always true to her aesthetic, Seasoul sails through all the facets of her truth:
"Moods of the sea, change quickly like me (...)".

Samstag 29.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
beav boloney & lls prsnt: MILK TV (art-punk, bel) + ZERO DISCOUNT (post-punk, bln), & after 22h: JINX w/ DJ Pris V (post-punk / no-wave / dark-wave dancefloor)
doors 19h, show 20h, djs after 22h

beav boloney & little league shows prsnt:

MILK TV / art-punk, bel / 

& ZERO DISCOUNT / post-punk, bln /

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. presale tickets available at --> 

after 22h: JINX w/ DJ Pris V
post-punk / no-wave / dark-wave / obscure 80s dancefloor 

Catchy artpunks MILK TV! The power trio feeds on playground nostalgia, cheep TV programs and a good dose of post-Reagan cynicism to bring some jerky and raucous pieces of rock music that feel like Devo, Wire, Sonic Youth & Deerhoof ain›t standing too far in the rear mirror. And you›re driving your old cousin›s shitty Honda Civic, but you wish it were a DeLorean flying under the milky-way.

ZERO DISCOUNTis a fabulous postpunk band from Berlin!

Montag 31.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Otis Mensah - Album Release | Support: special guest
Event Bild
Decolonize prsts: - Album Release Party - Free Show!

Otis Mensah is a Berlin-based interdisciplinary artist, poet and musician exploring the aesthetic fabric of language and cadence to evoke ethereal portraits of the body, family and notions of home. Drawing from a rich lineage of Black musicality, Otis’ poetic-sonic practice pulls multidimensional sound and text from archival material and reflections on dreaming and nature. 

Following their tenure as the first Poet Laureate of Sheffield, UK, Otis has performed alongside Moor Mother, Benjamin Zephaniah and Little Simz. before the noise my cousin is the debut album from Otis, entirely produced by the intern following a longstanding Berlin-centred collaboration. Exploring notions of youth, its transience and malaise, ‘before the noise’ grapples for a deeper sense of kinship and home as it journeys artistic-tribulation and coming-of-age with dreamlike sonics and daring abstract-rap cadence. 

before the noise my cousin RELEASE - it is the debut album from experimental musician & poet Otis Mensah entirely produced by the intern @itsmetheintern following a longstanding Berlin-centred collaboration. Exploring notions of youth, its transience and malaise, ‘before the noise’ grapples for a deeper sense of kinship and home as it journeys artistic-tribulation and coming-of-age with dreamli


He will  be Singing raps like they’re hymns. Hosted by @decolonoize_berlin 31st March at @schokoladen.bln (19:00) Otis will  be performing live alongside El Congo Allen, Monica Mussungo, , David Matayaunga and some special guests! Berlin, it’s FREE ENTRY! Come and get yourself a copy of the exclusive vinyl after the show! 

Mittwoch 02.04. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Lofi Lounge
loFi lounge prsnts: These Modern Architects + Buhai

These Modern Architects
#These Modern Architects are a Berlin-based alternative rock band, blending anthemic hooks with atmospheric synths and driving guitars. Their debut single ROME dropped on February 7th, 2025, with the follow-up What's In It For Me? set for release on February 28th. With a bold, energetic sound influenced by bands like Foals and Arcade Fire, These Modern Architects are ready to bring their music to the stage. 

Die Musik von Buhai bewegt sich elegant zwischen unterschiedlichen Genres und klingt dabei immer neu und originell. Eine eingängige, handgemachte und liebevoll ausgearbeitete Popmusik, beheimatet irgendwo zwischen Kraut-Rock, Neue Deutsche Welle, French-Pop und Jazz. Für ihre Duo-Tour haben Sängerin Meryem Kiliç und Gitarrist Dirk Häfner ihre Songs auf das Wesentliche heruntergebrochen. Melodie, Harmonie und Text stehen so ganz unverhüllt im Vordergrund. Eine Einladung an die Hörer*innen, voll und ganz in die Songs einzutauchen und sich von ihnen mitnehmen zu lassen. Zum Beispiel in den Sommerurlaub (St.Tropez), nach Paris auf die Champs-Élysées (Sommerwind), an verlassene Strände (Offseason Tristesse), hinein in tiefe Gefühlswelten (Weit fort) oder hinaus in die Weiten des Weltraums (Astronaut).


Donnerstag 03.04. 19:00 Uhr Musik
M:Soundtrack prsts : Messtizaje - Heavy Perreo (BLN)+ ELDANI - Live Poetry (BLN)
Event Bild
Heavy Perreo, Poetry &messages to the latin migrant community + DJ Radio hobo

M:Soundtrack prsts : Messtizaje - Heavy Perreo (BLN)+ ELDANI - Live Poetry (BLN)


A night of Heavy Perreo and live Poetry from and with Messtizaje, a multi-genre Berlin Based band of South American origin and ELDANI a Chilean/German poet, musician and content creator bringing the latin spirit to Schokoladen with both artists offering  us messages of differeent perspectives and resistance against all the "isims" that we are all encountering on a daily basis in the world and here at home.

Messtizaje is a project created by the Berlin based Argentinian Cuculic brothers , mixing multiple musical genres such as Cumbia, Trap, Hip Hop, Metal and House, creating "Heavy Perreo" parties and fun and lots of dancing but full of messages. They have collaborated with artists  from the Argentinian music scene like Las Manos de Filippi, Macario, and Biscarrita among others”

ELDANI is a Chilean-German artist who works in the fields of poetry, music and content creation.

As a content creator, ELDANI also brings us a proposal to fight against the German extreme right through social networks with videos that seek to unframe their reactionary narratives and expose their contradictions to inform, above all, our migrant community.

Today his poetry gained notoriety on social networks thanks to the series “Berlin poetry”, which addresses various Berlin themes, from “winter” to political issues, accompanied by his characteristic way of narrating and the jazz music that accompanies his works.”

Radio hobo


Freitag 04.04. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
lls & twintoe recs prsnt: GELBART (ex-computer-pop, bln, record-release double-concert!) live, & after 22h DJ DIRTY PAW (psych & funk from around the globe)
Event Bild
doors 19:00 - show 20:00 - DJs after 22:00

twintoe records & little league shows prsnt:

GELBART / experimental computer pop, bln /

live at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets at the doors and in pre-sale --> 

»on 4.4.25, my new album LIQUIDS & FLESH is coming out on vinyl and digital. It's my first LP in 9 years. Eight new tracks with electronics, acoustic instruments, and computer vocals. Can't wait to play it for you.

The release show will be a double concert by myself: two different shows in one evening.«

after 22h: DJ Dirty Paw
psych / funk from around the globe 


Ever since landing in Berlin’s electronic scene in 2005, Gelbart has become one of the city’s best-kept secrets. Gelbart’s concerts are a one-man tour de force—a DIY extravaganza that blends bizarre electropop with surreal visuals, seamlessly synchronized to create an immersive, multidimensional experience. Gelbart is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist, composer, filmmaker, and author. His lifelong devotion to innovation has so far resulted in more than 20 LPs and EPs (on Joyful Noise, Gagarin Records, and Lo Recordings among others), compositions for live ensembles, numerous award-winning works of vegetable and/or bunny animation, and a sci-fi novel.

A dive into Gelbart’s body of work uncovers a bizarre yet wholly consistent world—an absurdist mirror-universe of sound and imagery that fuses the high-brow with the low, and the accessible with the complex. To sidestep the clichéd knob-tweaking of electronica and infuse his shows with band-like energy, Gelbart has developed a signature performance method. He combines synthesizers with guitar, bass clarinet, vocoder, and a self-built blipping machine—often juggling them all at once.

Gelbart’s music has been a fixture on WFMU, while his animations graced festivals from London to Japan, and his sci-fi film Vermin was screened at the US Library of Congress. In recent years, Gelbart composed a large-scale, 70-minute work commissioned for a live ensemble at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (set for release as a double LP in late 2025), as well as a long-form piece for string quartet and electronic voice, performed in both Casa del Lago, Mexico and Berghain. Gelbart’s upcoming solo LP, Liquids and Flesh, will be released on Egglike Records in April 2025.

Samstag 05.04. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Local Support (hc) & Müde (düster punk) & Bialla (punk) live __ & after 22h DJs Reni:Tenz & Rudy Reefer (punk / alternative / garage / indie)
doors 19:00 - show 20:00 - DJs after 22:00

Das habe ich mir mal von OX # 170 entliehen. Fand die Bescheibung sehr passend:

LOCAL SUPPORT stehen für modernen Hardcore, auch wenn im Begleitschreiben vollmundig behauptet wird, in der Essenz wäre es so, als hätten „NEGATIVE APPROACH und MINOR THREAT in Berlin-Neukölln eine Allstar-Band gegründet“. Mein Fazit nach zehn Songs und zwanzig Minuten: es ist ein Hardcore-Volley-Arschtritt par excellence.

LOCAL SUPPORT stand for modern hardcore, even if the cover letter full-bodiedly claims that in essence it is as if "NEGATIVE APPROACH and MINOR THREAT had founded an all-star band in Berlin-Neukölln". My conclusion after ten songs and twenty minutes: it's a hardcore volley ass kick par excellence.

Müde: Dunkler Punk, der irgendwie FLIEHENDE STÜRME mit einem guten Hauch von Rachut-Gesang vereint, ohne dass es wie eine typische Rachut-Band klingt. Vielversprechend dicker Sound der Berliner, der sich die Zeit und die Luft nimmt, um Spannungsbögen aufzubauen und einzureißen.

Dark punk that somehow combines FLIEHENDE STÜRME with a good touch of Rachut vocals, without it sounding like a typical Rachut band. Promisingly thick sound of the Berliners, who takes the time and the air to build up and tear down arcs of suspense.

Bialla: Wer schießt auf Ralf Bialla und warum lässt Ralf Bialla auf sich schießen?
Who shoots Ralf Bialla and why does Ralf Bialla let himself be shot?

Aftershow DJ's: Reni:Tenz und Rudy Reefer (PunkRock, Alternativ, Indie)


Montag 07.04. 19:00 Uhr Musik
thirsty & miserable
Beehoover (Sludge/Doom, Esslingen) + Pyrior (Desert Rock, Berlin)
doors 19:00 - show 20:00


Beehoover is a diy progressive sludge rock duo from Esslingen, Germany and is Ingmar - Bass and vocals Claus - Drums.
Das Zwei-Mann-Riff-Ungetllerriffs durch eine wilde Landschaft aus Stoner, Doom, Sludge und Metal. Oft vertrackt, verfrickelt und avantgardistisch, aber nur um im richtigen Moment wieder brutal groovig auf den Punkt zu kommen.

With the third album "Portal" (Fuzzmatazz, December 2016) Pyrior completes its own epic trilogy. Now the
sound moves from space rock to posttrock, from heavy to psychedellic, from major to minor and
everything in between. Pyrior is just came home.
In their bandhistory Pyrior play with bands like Colour Haze, My sleeping Karma, YawningMan, The Atomic
Bitchwax, RotoR or The Machine. Pyrior stands for characteristic Stonerrock, with propelling grooves and a
good amount of tripping spacesound.

Dienstag 08.04. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
lls & annibale prsnt: JOE GHATT (psych-garage-pop, nz) & MAIORANO (soul-psych-pop, bln)
doors 19:00 - show 20:00

little league shows & annibale prsnt:

JOE GHATT / psych-garage-pop, nz / 

& MAIORANO / soul-psych-pop, bln / 

live at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. pre-sale tickets available --> 

Originally from the sunny town of Whakatū Nelson, Aotearoa New Zealand, these days JOE GHATT resides in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Spending the last few years working at an undisclosed space company that builds rockets, Joe’s musical inspiration has always had a cosmic and otherworldly vision. Sure to please fans of Babe Rainbow and Allah Las and drawing from timeless sounds of 60s groups like The Seeds and The Byrds, Joe Ghatt has a knack for effortlessly fusing nostalgia with his own authentic sound, all recorded the old fashion way — straight to magnetic tape.

In a live setting; Joe and his energetic four piece band transform his humble recordings into a huge, jammy, psychedelic rock show that evokes positive vibes and compels everybody to dance. Joe Ghatt’s 2019 debut album, Banana Sludge has received cult-acclaim for its charming lo-fi psych-surf sound, featuring hit singles such as ‘Farewell’ and ‘Mammon’. Joe Ghatt’s freshly released sophomore album Caper, Joe Ghatt evolves his warbly psych pop and surf-infused rock with a plethora of exotic new influences, from Afro-Beat, Tropicalia, Bossa Nova, through to Latin American music and elements of Jazz.

MAIORANO: Italo-Berliners been in the scene for a few years exploring every side of rock and roll . Everything comes together in the new album “Luna Nova” like Italian songwriters from the 70’, dream pop and synth sound.

The band played everywhere from the dirtiest of dives to the grandest of halls and wherever they play, the loud saxophone,catchy melodies, and the bacchanal frenzy of their performance stays with those who were there.

Mittwoch 09.04. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Punkfilmfest Berlin Booking
DEAFDEAFDEAF (post-punk, shoegaze / UK) + Calgolla (shoegaze, alt. rock / Berlin)
präsentiert von Crunch Tapes + Punkfilmfest Booking Berlin


DEAFDEAFDEAF have carved for themselves. Undefinable by genre, yet akin to influence, the boys have really pulled together an impressive roster of tracks – especially this early on in their career. Notably building a name for themselves in the live music industry as one to watch, they have a certain grace in creating atmosphere and forging chaos in even the most unconventional of spaces. The band perfectly executes a range of dynamic levels, knowing just when to throw an abundant amount of harsh noise at you resulting in an all more powerful feeling of intensity.

Calgolla (DE)

Emanuele Calì continues a parallel path that combines music and poetry. He publishes his poems on some blogs and in 2015 he publishes with the collective and micro publishing house Apertura a Strappo in the collection of poems "Margini Strutturali". In spring 2018, under the pseudonym Calgolla, his debut solo album "Tuorlo", produced at Ruderec Studio, was released.

