
Mittwoch 23.10. 19:00 Uhr Musik
thirsty & miserable
Loose Articles (Indie-Punk, Manchester/UK) + support
Event Bild
doors 19:00 - show 20:00


Specialising in discordant, hypnotic repetition, tales of boozy nights out, and radical politics, Loose Articles are a punk quartet from Manchester with plenty to say. Their music speaks to all those determined to get through the age of austerity with tongue in cheek, pint in hand, and two feet firmly on the dance floor.

Donnerstag 24.10. 19:00 Uhr Musik
old and fast
Sabot (Math-Rock Jazzcore, San Francisco) + RVDS (Elektro, Hamburg)
Samstag 26.10. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
little league shows & zooey prsnt: ZA! (post world, es, 20th anniversary tour!) & GORZ (cute core, arg/ch) live __ & after 22h DJ KOHLRABI
doors 19h, concert 20h, djs 22h

little league shows and zooey present:

ZA! (post world, es) / 

& GORZ (cute core, arg/ch) / 

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets at the doors or in pre-sale --> [presale starts soon, stay tuned]

& after 22h:

DJ Kohlrabi (post genre, Team Pommes) 

Dienstag 29.10. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Taby Pilgrim + Support:

Taby Pilgrim

+ Support:

Die Essener Rapperin, Synchronsprecherin, Sounddesignerin und Produzentin Taby Pilgrim ist bislang vor allem für clevere, humoristische Lyrics und den herausragenden Einsatz ihrer unverkennbaren Stimme bekannt. 2024 wagt sie mit ihrem zweiten Album “Nest” jedoch einen Sprung ins kalte Wasser: Auf elf Songs, überwiegend von ihr selbst produziert, nimmt sie ihre Zuhörer*innen mit in ihren Kopf und präsentiert auf eindrucksvolle Weise den Parasiten, der sich dort eingenistet hat. Gefühlsausbrüche zwischen Hypomanie und Depression eröffnen ein breites Gefühlsspektrum, das durch ebenso kontrastierende Sounds kaum noch in eine einzelne Schublade passen möchte. So ehrlich wie nie zuvor spricht Taby über Selbstzweifel aber auch übersteigertes Selbstbewusstsein, ihre Stellung als Frau in der Musikbranche und Gesellschaft sowie den Willen, sich selbst und ihre eigene Diagnose besser zu verstehen - und setzt ganz nebenbei neue Standards für nahbaren und authentischen deutschen Rap mit Händchen für fesselnde Soundwelten.

Mittwoch 30.10. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
dust booking & lls prsnt: KEEP (shoegaze/alt. rock, us) & YEAHRS (shoegaze, bln)
doors 19h - show 20h

dust booking & little league shows prsnt:

KEEP / shoegaze/alt. rock, us / 

& YEAHRS / shoegaze, bln / 

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets for the concert at the doors and in pre-sale --> 


KEEP is an alternative rock band from Richmond, VA formed in 2013.They draw heavy inspiration from the shoegaze and grunge sounds of the 90’s, post-2000 indie, and add just a dash of 80’s goth and art rock sensibility. While that may sound a bit like an alphabet soup of influences, Keep’s brilliance lies in their ability to seamlessly blend myriad sounds into something that feels surpassingly cohesive. A riff may conjure Starflyer 59, Hum or Swervedriver. A melody might evoke The Cure or Cocteau Twins. The mood may call Low or Bowery Electric to mind. But while Keep may momentarily remind you of any number of artists you love, Happy In Here always feels like something unique that you’re hearing for the first time.


»Part of the shoegaze renaissance that is encompassing the wider musical spectrum, YEAHRS are a loud, feisty and guitar-driven crew. Building on their love for hardcore, heavy rock and dreamy shoegaze, the band recently released a new EP called Transfer.Transform, a thoroughly loud and melodic addition to the Berlin rock scene. Aside from the immediate comparisons to the likes of The Jesus and Mary Chain and Deafheaven, the EP is dazzling mix of catchy choruses, washed-out guitars and lush harmonies.« (exberliner)


Donnerstag 31.10. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Xtreme Blues Dog (Trash-Blues Rock n’ Roll - One Man Band, São Paulo/Brazil)

XTREME BLUES DOG (one man band)
Trash-blues rock n’ roll, playing the harmonica, kazoo, cigar box guitar, drums and singing (all at the same time), since 2010 this Brazilian one man band shows his dirty view of the Blues mixed up with a lot of Rock and Roll. After 17 tours in 24 countries around Australia, Europe and South America, Xtreme Blues Dog promotes his new album “Raw, Loud and Mono!”, released by the labels A-lo Records, Mandinga Records and Sinfonia de Cães.

The first album “The Return of the Blues”, recorded at home in 2010, provided the Dog’s first tour throughout Brazil and Uruguay along the masked Amazing One Man Band. The second album “Dirty Blues from the Wild South'', recorded at Caffeine Sound Studio by Luis Tissot (aka the Fabulous Gogo Boy from Alabama) was released in 2011 and followed by an European tour passing by many countries such as Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium and England. In 2012 the song “All Night Long'' was part of the compilation “Trash Blues – Old School Sudamerica’s Monobandas!” which ended up in a tour in Argentina. In 2013 the one man band went on his second Euro tour playing in many cities like Rome, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and much more. In 2014 the album “Punk Rock and Roll a Billy Trash Blues” was released in Brazil and followed by another tour passing by 12 countries. On October 31st 2014, the dutch label Monster Mash released the 7'' vinyl compilation called “Monobanda Mash Vol. 2”, including the song “The Train'', followed by another tour in the euro winter promoting the vinyl, with concerts in Austria, Hungary, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia and Macedonia. In early 2015, the Blues Dog was touring in Peru with Bang Bang Band Girl from Chile, including gigs in Lima, Trujillo and Cusco. Also this year the album called “No Rules for The Blues”, was released and provided 4 Euro and Brazilian tours in the following years (2015 - 2018). In 2019 the Blues Dog went on his first tour in Australia, playing in many places such as Melbourne, Hobart, Launceston, New Norfolk and Franklin, followed by another euro tour in a total of 77 gigs that year. In November 2019, it was released the live album ROAD RECS, a compilation of live recordings in several countries made between 2014-2019, during Xtreme Blues Dog tours around the world. In March 2021, the Split EP called “Chelo Lion and his Yellow Fingers + Xtreme Blues Dog" was released by Sinfonia de Cães label.
In 2022, the Blues Dog released his new album “Raw, Loud and Mono!” and also a split EP with the Austrian band Anstalt, followed by a six-month-tour of wild gigs around Europe. In the summer 2023, the Dog hit the road with DJ Tribalista for the “Locurama Summer Tour”, and by the end of the year he was back in Brazil for a crazy tour with Bonny Jack. In 2024, the Blues Dog is on the road again this time with Mr. Gallini from Portugal, and also for the “Locurama Tour II - La Vendetta” with Tribalista.
Stay tuned! Stay mono!

Freitag 08.11. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Geisburg Records Session Teaser
22h Everything Crash DJ-Set (laboratory for Ska, Rock Steady & Early Reggae)

Geibburg Records Session Teaser

Dienstag 12.11. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
puschen, lls & my little underground prsnt: CINDY (indie/dream-pop/lofi, us) + tba
Event Bild
doors 19:00 - show 20:00 - & future sailor dj-set

puschen, little league shows & my little underground prsnt:

CINDY / indie/dream-pop/lofi, us / 

& tba.

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets for the concert at the doors and in pre-sale -->

+ DJ future sailor (my little underground, some kind of happening, ...) dj set.

CINDY is a key part of the San Francisco/Bay Area dream pop, fog pop, lo fi scene. Led by Karina Gill, members of the touring band include Will Smith of Now, Staizsh Rodrigues of Children Maybe Later, and Oli Lipton of Now and Violent Change. The songs are hazy and nostalgic pop-craft with lyrical backbone.


Mittwoch 13.11. 19:00 Uhr Musik
The Bottom Line (punk/uk) + Support: Holly Would Surrender (hh)
Event Bild

+ Support: Holly Would Surrender (hh)
Einlass: 19:00 | Beginn: 20:00 Uhr

Donnerstag 14.11. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Ostbahnhof (Synth-Pop/Wave, Berlin) + Warm Rush (Electronic Warmwave Dreamteam, Berlin)