
Samstag 22.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Punkfilmfest Berlin Booking
Park+Riot (grungeduo, leipzig) + Antillectual (punkrock, nijmegen) live, __ & after 22h DJ Fragil/Stabil (indie-rock / (post)punk / new wave / noiserock ...)
doors 19:00 - show 20:00 - DJs after 22:00

Park+Riot is a Leipzig-based two-piece, unleashing a ferocious blend of hardcore, sludge, and math.

With their roots firmly planted in the underground punk scene, their raw and energetic performances have captivated audiences in squats, concert halls, and festivals with their undeniable authenticity.


Lässig auf dem Skateboard durch die Straßen düsen, Punkrock im Ohr und dagegen sein, dürfen wir vorstellen: ANTILLECTUAL. Sie sind der musikalische Mittelfinger gegen die Gesamtscheiße von Kapital bis Rechtspopulismus. Kein langweiliges Pop-Seminar über das Elend der Welt, sondern energiegeladener, melodischer Punkrock aus den Niederlanden.

Keine aufpolierte kommerzialisierte 08/15 Band, sondern 100% DIY. Hier wird noch selbst Hand angelegt, vom Instrumente schleppen bis zur Übergabe des heißersehnten Shirts am Merchandise-Stand. Und dennoch sind sie keine grantigen Typen, sondern super sympathische Jungs. Ben, der mit seinen akrobatischen Einlagen an Van Halen erinnert. Dann noch Riekus, der dieses ganze Spektakel mit seinem treibenden Drumspiel befeuert und nicht zu vergessen Willem, Sänger und Gitarrist, der dem Publikum mit stabilen Texten und satten Riffs einheizt.

Es ist aufgrund dieser Dynamik nicht verwunderlich, dass Antillectual seit ihrer Gründung 2005 bereits die Bühne mit Szenegrößen wie Propagandhi, BoySetsFire, NOFX oder Bad Religion teilten. Sie sind süchtig danach eine Show nach der anderen zu spielen, überall auf der Welt und bereits über tausend Mal. Ihre Alben gibt es überall, vom Plattenstand in Tijuana über die Punker-Epizentren in Großbritannien bis hin zum ausgewählten Szenefundus Asiens.

& after 22h:

fragil/stabil DJ Night
indie / (post)punk / new wave / hh-schule / noise rock 

Montag 24.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Punkfilmfest Berlin Booking
Liar Thief Bandit (Rock/ Sweden) + Hell Nation Army (Berlin)
Event Bild

Liar Thief Bandit is a power trio born to play live with the sole purpose of carrying the torch of
everything that ever was, is and will be rock’n’roll in its purest form. Raw, undeniable energy combined
with a melodic essence and uplifting lyrics continues to make the band stand out as one of the most
interesting acts of this day and age.
This Swedish life force has released three full-length albums and the latest mini-album called
“Diamonds” was released on September 16th, 2022. The band entered the studio once again in the
fall of 2023 to record their 4th full-length album set to be released in 2024.
With a true DIY mentality, the band has done over 200 shows and is considered a professional live
band with plenty of merits. They have 12 European tours under their belt as well as support shows for
The Hellacopters, Graveyard, The Bronx, Supersuckers, Hank von Hell, Electric Six, Valiant Thorr
among others. A support tour in Sweden with Royal Republic (Live Nation) in 2022 and a slot at

Sweden Rock Festival 2023 counts as their latest and biggest achievements. It’s safe to say thishard-
working band is tobe reckoned with.

Influences span from the classic rock of the ‘70s through the garage revival of the ‘90s and all the
way up to contemporary, inspiring acts –always with an intense live dynamic and full focus on
roaring melodies.


Dienstag 25.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
curated by girls & lls prsnt: FreeFreeDomDom (indie-pop) & AISATSANA (trip-hop) & The Bousculaires (electro-pop) live!
doors 19:00, starts strictly on time 20:00 because we have 3 live acts!!

curated by girls & little league shows prsnt:

FreeFreeDomDom (indie-pop) / 

& AISATSANA (trip-hop) / 

& The Bousculaires (electro-pop)

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets at the doors and in pre-sale --> 

FreeFreeDomDom is a French indie pop duo formed by Laetitia and Philippe, whose serendipitous meeting in Montmartre sparked their creative partnership. Their sound blends quirky electro beats with catchy melodies, drawing influence from artists like Rita Mitsouko, Grimes, and The Knife. After working together on various music projects, they launched FreeFreeDomDom in Berlin in 2017, later finding new inspiration in Sintra, Portugal. This creative journey led to the release of their EPs Amazing Exciting Sensational Love and C’est Pas la Vie en Rose.

Their debut album Inséparables is set for release in March 2025, featuring their already-released first single "Papillons"—an ode to love in all its forms.

AISATSANA was created in 2011 by Anastasia Postnikova - singer and keyboard player of IVA NOVA all-female
band. A beautiful voice and a kaleidoscope of synths, samples, modern beats and a live played piano - and only one person on stage.

The Bousculaires is the Dirty Decadent Electro avatar of the rock band Anatomie Bousculaire. An organic, psychedelic, melodic, new wave and punk universe. Pure DDE to shake up your anatomies in every club in the galaxy - to infinity and beyond!


Mittwoch 26.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
M:Soundtrack x The Dreaming Diaspora: w/ Wooly Aziz (Pakistan / Bln) ft. Tanaad (Thailand) + Legion Seven + VIO & Mehfil Collective
collaborative exploration of sound and culture w/ music, stories and snacks

M:Soundtrack x The Dreaming Diaspora:  w/ Wooly Aziz (Pakistan / Bln) ft. Tanaad (Thailand) + Legion Seven + VIO & Mehfil Collective. **The evening will be a collaborative exploration of sound and culture w/ music and snacks

The Dreaming Diaspora is a familial creative exchange centring BIPOC* artists and the celebration of collective ambition, with a Night of the Dreaming Diaspora carrying tales of devotion, war, and migration.

Featuring Artists:  Wooly Aziz featuring Tanaad, Legion Seven , VIO,  & Mehfil Collective

Wooly Aziz is an evocative, genre-fluid project from Lahore, Pakistan, composing stories of submission, devotion, war, and migration. Transcending borders with their atmospheric compositions, “wistful vocals” (Rolling Stone), and lyrical storytelling, Wooly Aziz is anchored in the emotional extension of their colonial and geographical traces — reflected in their newly conceptualized record: Dreaming Diaspora, from the first track, called Take Off, to the last one, Landing.


Tanaad is Pead Rasanon a Bangkok-born music producer, musician, and DJ, currently based in Berlin (also known as pTR, r.flav & DRIPTECH). He is the initiator of the blozxom community and record label project. His work includes live performances and DJ sets, with notable appearances at events such as the Wonderfruit Festival, Beat Forest Festival, Boiler Room x Maho Rasop Festival, Ghost2565: live without dead time in Bangkok, Korat & Chonburi (Thailand), and the Asian Meeting Festival in Tokyo, Kobe & Kyoto (Japan)

Recently, Tanaad performed with Mon Sisu Satrawaha and Unthaitled Collective in “Somtam Manifesto” at the closing Exhibition of Rirkrit Tiravanit: DAS GLÜCK IST NICHT IMMER LUSTIG at Gropius Bau, Berlin in January 2025, He designed sound and music for short films, including "No Exorcism" by Komtouch Dew Napattaloong, which premiered at CPH:DOX, Copenhagen, in 2024. He also did a live soundtrack for Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s "Vapour" which premiered at the Busan Film Festival in 2015. An alumnus of Goethe Talents in 2020, he has hosted shows on dublab and Bangkok Community Radio.

+  VIO

+ Legion seven

Mehfil is an emerging community-food collective that playfully revamps elements of Pakistani cuisine. Founded by Shanzeh, an architect who has transformed her passion for design into a creative exploration of experimental fusion cooking, Mehfil combines her love for South Asian flavors with event and space curation — prioritizing making these initiatives both accessible and affordable.

More than just a culinary venture, Mehfil aspires to collaborate with artists from the Global South to craft meaningful, immersive experiences. We seek to evoke a sense of home and nostalgia for the South Asian diaspora while creating a space where communities can gather, share stories, and connect through food and art. 

For this collaboration with Dreaming Diaspora, Mehfil is drawing inspiration from Pakistani tea time snacks.


Mehfil Collective will be selling South Asian Snacks at Merch table! bring some hunger with you


Donnerstag 27.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
ELL (Krach-Pop)

ELL vereint mit weiblicher Stimme und wenigen Instrumenten die Schönheit einer
Schlagbohrmaschine mit der Power einer duftenden Kirschblüte. Oder umgekehrt?
Wer vermag das schon zu beurteilen! Erst recht, wenn man dieses Krach-Pop-Duo
noch nicht Live gesehen hat.

Lisa-Anna (sie/ihr) und Lennart (er/ihn) sind laut Rockband-Duden vielleicht
personell unterbesetzt, jedoch fehlt es ihnen an absolut gar nichts. Das haben über 30
Shows in ihrem Debüt-Jahr 2022 als Liveband gezeigt.

Sympathisch? „Jep,“ Authentisch? „Oh ja!“ Sound? „Hä, wie machen die das?!?!“
Publika im deutschsprachigen Raum sind ELL schutzlos ausgeliefert und verlassen
Shows in der Regel mit einem zementierten Grinsen, einer neuen Frisur und diesem
warm-wohligen Gefühl, wenn man mit viel Liebe ein Butterbrot gemacht bekommen

Das sind ELL.
Besetzung: Weiblicher Gesang, Multi-Amp Bass, Schlagzeug

Freitag 28.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
brighter agency & lls prsnt: EILIS FRAWLEY (exp-pop/indie, sinnbus, Rec Release) & SEASOUL (bln) live _ & after 22h DJs Whywolf & Cool Cat Tommy T (mutantdisco)
doors 19:00 - show 20:00 - DJs after 22:00

brighter agency & little league shows prsnt:

EILIS FRAWLEY / spoken words/pop/indie, bln, sinnbus / 

& SEASOUL / dreampop/singer-songwriter/folk, bln / 

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets at the doors or in pre-sale -->

& after the show: tpts prsnts: DJs Whywolf & Cool Cat Tommy T
mutant-disco funk post-punk grooves

The solo project of EILIS FRAWLEY combines direct and unforgiving spoken word amidst kraut-like rhythms. With a focus on social structures, feminism, mental health, and storytelling she speaks truth to creative insecurities, personal tragedies, and the impacts of living abroad. Debuting in 2019 with tours in Germany, the UK, and Australia, her first two EPs "Never Too Emotional" and "Adult Life" were released through Reckless Yes Records (UK) in 2020. Eilis Frawley is a classically trained musician from Adelaide, Australia. Eilis is the drummer and singer for local Berlin bands Kara Delik and Restless and has worked as a freelance drummer with Laura Lee and The Jettes and Anika. Eilis’s debut full-length album "Fall Forward," produced by Kat Frankie, will be released on March 7th 2025 on sinnbus.

Dreampop, singer-songwriter, folk – SEASOUL's music inhabits the spaces between genres and
styles. Always in search of the strange, the authentic, and the delicate, the Berlin-based musician
invites us into her pastel-colored world of radical gentleness. Uncompromising and curious, the
classically trained singer and music producer is on a constant musical journey: sometimes it’s her
solo project, sometimes a collaboration, sometimes politically charged art (performing with KAFVKA
on stage), and at other times she’s behind the keys of her second project, the underground punk band
JOLLE. Versatile yet always true to her aesthetic, Seasoul sails through all the facets of her truth:
"Moods of the sea, change quickly like me (...)".

Samstag 29.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
beav boloney & lls prsnt: MILK TV (art-punk, bel) + ZERO DISCOUNT (post-punk, bln), & after 22h: JINX w/ DJ Pris V (post-punk / no-wave / dark-wave dancefloor)
doors 19h, show 20h, djs after 22h

beav boloney & little league shows prsnt:

MILK TV / art-punk, bel / 

& ZERO DISCOUNT / post-punk, bln /

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. presale tickets available at --> 

after 22h: JINX w/ DJ Pris V
post-punk / no-wave / dark-wave / obscure 80s dancefloor 

Catchy artpunks MILK TV! The power trio feeds on playground nostalgia, cheep TV programs and a good dose of post-Reagan cynicism to bring some jerky and raucous pieces of rock music that feel like Devo, Wire, Sonic Youth & Deerhoof ain›t standing too far in the rear mirror. And you›re driving your old cousin›s shitty Honda Civic, but you wish it were a DeLorean flying under the milky-way.

ZERO DISCOUNTis a fabulous postpunk band from Berlin!

Montag 31.03. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Otis Mensah - Album Release | Support: special guest
Event Bild
Album Release Party!

Otis Mensah is a Berlin-based interdisciplinary artist, poet and musician exploring the aesthetic fabric of language and cadence to evoke ethereal portraits of the body, family and notions of home. Drawing from a rich lineage of Black musicality, Otis’ poetic-sonic practice pulls multidimensional sound and text from archival material and reflections on dreaming and nature. 

Following their tenure as the first Poet Laureate of Sheffield, UK, Otis has performed alongside Moor Mother, Benjamin Zephaniah and Little Simz. before the noise my cousin is the debut album from Otis, entirely produced by the intern following a longstanding Berlin-centred collaboration. Exploring notions of youth, its transience and malaise, ‘before the noise’ grapples for a deeper sense of kinship and home as it journeys artistic-tribulation and coming-of-age with dreamlike sonics and daring abstract-rap cadence. 

Dienstag 01.04. 19:00 Uhr Lesung
LSD - Liebe Statt Drogen
Event Bild
Einlass 19h Beginn 20h

Andreas „Spider“ Krenzke, Tobias „Tube“ Herre, Uli Hannemann, Eva Mirasol und Ivo Lotion präsentieren Geschichten, Lieder und Gäste.
LSD – Liebe Statt Drogen ist eine der bekanntesten Lesebühnen Berlins. Jeden Dienstagabend gestalten die 5 Mitglieder von LSD und eingeladene Gäste im Berliner Schokoladen ein Programm aus neuen Texten und Songs. Gegründet 1996 besteht LSD heute aus den Mitgliedern Andreas „Spider“ Krenzke, Tobias „Tube“ Herre, Uli Hannemann, Eva Mirasol und Ivo Lotion. Alle 5 genannten Künstler sind als Autoren und Musiker auch in anderen Bereichen aktiv.

LSD bietet jeden 1. & 3. Dienstag ein Offenes Mikro für Menschen an, die spontan etwas vortragen wollen. Beachtet bitte, dass der Beitrag selbstverfasst sein muss und nicht länger als 6 Minuten dauert. Wer am Offenen Mikro liest, braucht keinen Eintritt zahlen und bekommt ein Freigetränk.

Mittwoch 02.04. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Lofi Lounge
loFi lounge prsnts: These Modern Architects + Buhai

These Modern Architects
#These Modern Architects are a Berlin-based alternative rock band, blending anthemic hooks with atmospheric synths and driving guitars. Their debut single ROME dropped on February 7th, 2025, with the follow-up What's In It For Me? set for release on February 28th. With a bold, energetic sound influenced by bands like Foals and Arcade Fire, These Modern Architects are ready to bring their music to the stage. 

Die Musik von Buhai bewegt sich elegant zwischen unterschiedlichen Genres und klingt dabei immer neu und originell. Eine eingängige, handgemachte und liebevoll ausgearbeitete Popmusik, beheimatet irgendwo zwischen Kraut-Rock, Neue Deutsche Welle, French-Pop und Jazz. Für ihre Duo-Tour haben Sängerin Meryem Kiliç und Gitarrist Dirk Häfner ihre Songs auf das Wesentliche heruntergebrochen. Melodie, Harmonie und Text stehen so ganz unverhüllt im Vordergrund. Eine Einladung an die Hörer*innen, voll und ganz in die Songs einzutauchen und sich von ihnen mitnehmen zu lassen. Zum Beispiel in den Sommerurlaub (St.Tropez), nach Paris auf die Champs-Élysées (Sommerwind), an verlassene Strände (Offseason Tristesse), hinein in tiefe Gefühlswelten (Weit fort) oder hinaus in die Weiten des Weltraums (Astronaut).

