
Dienstag 17.12. 19:00 Uhr Lesung
LSD - Liebe Statt Drogen
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Einlass 19h Beginn 20h

Andreas „Spider“ Krenzke, Tobias „Tube“ Herre, Uli Hannemann, Eva Mirasol und Ivo Lotion präsentieren Geschichten, Lieder und Gäste.

LSD – Liebe Statt Drogen ist eine der bekanntesten Lesebühnen Berlins. Jeden Dienstagabend gestalten die 5 Mitglieder von LSD und eingeladene Gäste im Berliner Schokoladen ein Programm aus neuen Texten und Songs. Gegründet 1996 besteht LSD heute aus den Mitgliedern Andreas „Spider“ Krenzke, Tobias „Tube“ Herre, Uli Hannemann, Eva Mirasol und Ivo Lotion. Alle 5 genannten Künstler sind als Autoren und Musiker auch in anderen Bereichen aktiv.

LSD bietet jeden 1. & 3. Dienstag ein Offenes Mikro für Menschen an, die spontan etwas vortragen wollen. Beachtet bitte, dass der Beitrag selbstverfasst sein muss und nicht länger als 6 Minuten dauert. Wer am Offenen Mikro liest, braucht keinen Eintritt zahlen und bekommt ein Freigetränk.

Mittwoch 18.12. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Lofi Lounge
loFi lounge prsnts: The Strange Encounters [jangly folk blues rock 'n' roll] + Lutzilla [indie°bln]
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The Strange Encounters (Berlin)
„An adventurous mixture of jangly Folk, Blues and Rock ‚n' Roll from the psychedelic heart of Berlin." Based on the compositions and close harmony vocals of singer/songwriters GUIDO KREUTZMÜLLER and JOE ARMSTRONG, THE STRANGE ENCOUNTERS take you on a trip with songs shining with pure beauty and craftsmanship. At the LO FI LOUNGE at SCHOKOLADEN the band will play songs from their debut album ALL IN THE MIND, including debut single RECOGNIZE. Produced by Thomas Wosnitza and released on French label PORTS OF CALL MUSIC and South African label SUBJANGLE, this record squares the circle. In the respectable experiment of combining jangly Folk Pop tradition and bluesy Rock ‚n' Roll with psychedelic soundscapes and „artfremd" improvisations, THE STRANGE ENCOUNTERS succeed in a seemingly effortless way. An album for the big screen: cohesive, surprising, multilayered. 

"Bursting with harmony, melody and underlining the sheer joy that you can provide." 

I Don't Hear A Single, England

"A 4.5-minute masterwork of shimmering psych-pop, 'Recognize' is an impressive hint at what's in store on the album 'All In The Mind'" 
Skylight Magazine, Greece

The Strange Encounters have crafted an album that stirs the melodic breath of the Beatles, R.E.M., the Byrds, the Posies ... into their warm addictive sound that flows with the underground waters of the '70s clever acoustic rock (and everything else) perfect current.
Something Else Reviews, England

Mehr Post als Punk. Rarer Un-Sinn. Eifrig. Subversiv. Go with the flow und ab dagegen! In einem Kreuzberger Proberaum funkt es gewaltig zwischen den langjährigen Band-Musikanten Carola, Uli und Lutz – kurz darauf erblickt "Lutzilla" das Licht der Band-Welt. Im November 2022 erscheint die erste EP "First we tape Manhattan" mit 8 Songs als Tape und online bei John Steam Records. Eingespielt im Probekeller; aufgenommen & abgemischt von Uli Albers; Master: Nils Rech.


Donnerstag 19.12. 19:00 Uhr Musik
thirsty & miserable
HOWRAH (Independent Post-Punk, Amsterdam) + Alienbaby Collective (Exp/Improv/Drone, Berlin)
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doors 19:00 - show 20:00


is here again with Ends and Means, their third album is now a reality. Ends and Means takes us on a completely new adventure. This album has fast paced songs and is more coherent than before, without losing its edge. As always, HOWRAH operates at a consistently high level, and with E & M, they deliver another set of powerful blows that you’ll gladly take.

Alienbaby Collective is the solo-project of guitarist Liú Mottes, (currently playing with Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys). Using mainly guitar and vocals she moves between songs and improvisations stitching them together with textures, short loops and stardust. Expect a set full of moody drones and sound collages, soft words and waves of tender noise.

Freitag 20.12. 19:00 Uhr Musik
thirsty & miserable
Space Siren (Independent Noise-Pop, Amsterdam) + Ur! Geller (Beautiful Weirdo, hh, us, fr)
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doors 19:00 - show 20:00

Layered guitars and a sweet succulent voice pull you in and spit you out – gently. Indie foursome Space Siren is moody without being too heavy, and catchy without being too poppy. Their songs sound like they know where they’re going, but they’ll never let you in on the secret. They have that forward drive every band should have: the sound of needing to make music, not just wanting to.

Samstag 21.12. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Beat Organization (Soul, 60's, Beat) & The No-Counts (Garage, 60's Teen Punk)
DANCE PARTY with DEEJAYS Ben Jones (Hamburg), Tommy Baumann (Halle) & Suzy Creamcheese!

Pleasure Seekers Club & Ready Steady Go presents:

Berlin BeatORGANization:

Berlin Rhythm & BeatORGANization play a superb selection raw BeatORiGinals and 60s GArAGEPuNK jewels!  Swantje, Lisa & Jaqueline, the female voices of The Beat-Organization will start the night with their best of soulful tunes and Rhythm'nBeat Rockers! Then we go on with some Mockers and screams!

Berlin's independent underground band The No-Counts play their own brand of rudimentary rock and roll, influenced by garage, teen punk, folk punk, and frat rock, as well as Shutdown 66-styled punk-ballads. 2019 saw the release of their second single on NO-FI Records, "Sleep Forever", a discordant minor key folk-punk anthem. 

Ben Jones (Hamburg), Tommy Baumann (Halle) & Suzy Creamcheese!

Mittwoch 25.12. 19:00 Uhr Musik
tebe party army xmas w/ MIGHTY BLOWFISH, ZYPH & OSTBERLIN ANDROGYN live, + DJs Spu Randy & Mandy, The Walking Hat & dfg19
doors 19h, show 20h, DJs after 22h

Auf zum Eis-PingPong! Die TeBe Party Army und das Else Jahn-Kurvenkollektiv laden am 25.12. zum alljährlichem traditionellen Weihnachtstrinken in den Schokoladen.

Live im Programm dabei:

- Mighty Blowfish 
- Zyph 
- Ostberlin Androgyn

Zum Tanz bis in den Morgen fordern das DJ duo SPU Randy & Mandy und The Walking Hat & dfg19 (Hapoel Twins) auf! Einlass ab 19 uhr, Konzerte beginnen 20 uhr, DJs nach 22 uhr! Tickets im vvk oder am Einlass!

vorverkaufstickets --> / / 

Freitag 27.12. 19:00 Uhr Musik
Punkfilmfest Berlin Booking
Flynotes (stoner, psychedelic rock, post-rock) + Menk (psychedelic rock, krautrock) presented by Crunchtapes + Punkfilmfest Booking

Flynotes is an instrumental rock band formed in 2010. What the trio brings is an instrumental mixture of different yet closely related styles and sub-genres such as Doom Metal, Stoner, Psychedelic Rock, Post-Rock and Progressive. Guitar-based sound done by extremely heavy electric guitar riffs and monumental leads. The melodies are supported by a truly fantastic rhythm section which includes hypnotic bass lines and monumental drum patterns.



Menk set out with the aim of taking the listener on the deepest of journeys — music made with no comprises — to create a pure spiritual experience, like seeing sunshine through a rainy cloud. This is the main connector of the songs Menk have created as they take you on trips from darkness to light. Exploring textures, never standing still, new sounds and how instruments connect with each other, how harmonics complement each other, how songs change each other is the prism from which Menk views music and also the world.

Samstag 28.12. 19:00 Uhr Musik
little league shows
live: R.Y.F. (electro/dark-wave, it) & BLEEDINGBLACKWOOD (exp, bln), & after 22h DJ Pris V
doors 19:00 - show 20:00, aftershow djs tba.

live: R.Y.F. - Restless Yellow Flower (queer electro/dark-wave, it) & BLEEDINGBLACKWOOD (exp, bln),
& after 22h DJ Pris V.

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets at the doors or in pre-sale --> / / 

Sonntag 29.12. 20:00 Uhr Musik
in between days special w/ DJs future sailor & monophonic (indie / postpunk / new wave / soul ...)

in between days special w/ DJs future sailor & monophonic
(indie / postpunk / new wave / soul ...) /

Dienstag 31.12. 20:00 Uhr Musik
"night of noise" w/ Earth Logoff (Industrial Noise) + Gibfum (Harsh Grind Noise Onslaught) + Incertezza Inc. (Ambio-Noise)
doors 20:00 - show 21:00 - ab 0:30 DJs

night of noise w/
Earth Logoff makes analog funny weird industrial body music

Gibfum (Harsh Grind Noise Onslaught - ft. members of Goshawk, Asthma Choir, ex-Batalj, ex-Hure...)

+ Incertezza Inc. (Ambio-Noise)

more infos soon...
